How I Overcame my Biggest Struggle

In our lifetime there are always hurdles, hoops, mountains, something that causes struggle that we need to bust through to get the other side. Eventually when we get to that other side, it's never what we thought, it's completely something else. We have to change.

When we talk about the Yamas and Niyamas, Tapas comes to mind. Tapas literally means “heat” and can be translated to self-disciple, change, tolerance, or transformation. Tapas will eventually change our nature so we can withstand any of life’s challenges. Go with the flow.

My Tapas is just this. My biggest struggle is moving with the change. As we start to emerge from our quarantine, many act like it’s business as usual. To me, in my yoga world, it’s definitely not. Studios are opening up around me and moving away from their online cousins. I ask myself, how can I change in this world?

The answer to me seems really simple. I had to adapt, allow myself to be seen on camera, teach to the world and educate. I was thrown into this situation, but really it wasn’t as complicated as it seemed. I mean I had technical issues, which I overcame, but beyond that, I feel like it's been smooth.

I’ve made it over the mountain, now what? Back to the studios starting to open - what if I don’t want to do what I love this way? Meaning going back to studios, driving all around town, and sometimes getting paid very little. Not all was bad with working in a studio, I love and miss many of my students. Change is here now and it's time to go with the flow and rise from the heat and ashes and create something.

While I’ve made it over the mountain, I’m at the bottom again. This isn’t a bad thing though. I’m free from the struggle of not knowing my true self worth. We forget that sometimes things take practice, and maybe we need to make a few mistakes. To become something in the future, we have to make the effort now. 

What are your Tapas?  Leave me a comment below...