I don’t want to hear it

I figure this is my space, a safe space. You can read this engage, whatever.

Every time I open social media, there is someone with a complaint of some kind. Now I know this sounds kind of like a complaint, but let me get through this.

I have been quarantined for approximately 30 days. Pretty much the same as everyone else. Every day I wake up and do my inner work and some days I provide services to who I can in the form of yoga.

The yoga I provide is free for everyone and anyone who wants to use it. I’m not getting paid a paycheck for these classes, but occasionally, I’ll receive a donation from a student or friend. At the same time, I’m not complaining about how much or little I have. Gratitude.

I have been eternally grateful to those of you who have donated. I’m also grateful I have been able to remain healthy. Being physically healthy is just one part of the equation, mental health is another.

With this, every time I log onto social media (Facebook a huge culprit), I see a lot of negativity swimming around. Lots of incorrect information, a lot of negative opinions and comments.

Everyone has the right to their own thoughts. I just am really getting exhausted wasting energy on those people who find it necessary to be negative or ignorant to the situation. I can say honestly, there have been quite of few people I have felt I don’t need to have in my space…even if it’s virtually.

My point in all this, just pause, think, and listen. Be kind and mindful of words you might use that could deeply effect someone. Be Grateful.

Not going to lie, not a huge fan of the president, but he is doing his job which involves running this country. I don’t think I would ever want to be in his position. None of our leaders are being fictitious in this situation. We are human and sometimes humans make mistakes and miscalculations.

Again. Pause, Think, and Listen. Be Kind and Mindful. Be Grateful.