I could have charged more...

When looking at what is available to us online we often look for the best deal. There may be coupons or promotional offers, whatever. We are always on the lookout for getting something for nothing.

It’s the same with yoga. There are a few out there that believe we shouldn’t be providing yoga classes for free, but during this time many are unemployed and don’t have the money to continue memberships. The struggle is real. So what to do?

When putting together my membership programs I really wanted to do this right. I know people are still struggling, there may be many people who haven’t tried yoga before and would feel more comfortable at home trying, or maybe this virus has made us question if it’s really a safe environment for me or my loved ones. 

Whatever it is, I wanted to be able to speak to all of you. I want to eliminate the stress of driving to a studio, having to search for a parking spot, then entering a room with a bunch of other people in it. For some this is very stressful. Maybe you had to go back to weird work hours and don’t get the opportunity to get to the studio when class times are offered. Lastly, maybe $60 will buy about 5 classes. You know this is a good thing for you, but how can you afford it? I personally have been in this situation before.

I wanted to create something that was going to cover all those bases in addition to covering my own. My own base is about doing what I love when and how I want to. Having the freedom to be my authentic self.

I could have charged what all the studios are charging for online classes, but that wouldn’t make me any different than the rest. At the end of the day, it's not about the money, it's about the connections and inspiration that gets created out of it.

I want to be creative and authentic in a way that people will relate to. Just a girl in front of a camera, doing yoga, being me.

If this did peak your interest, check out my page https://www.lbyogi.net/yoga-meditation and see if there is an offering that interests you. Memberships start June 30th and classes begin July 1! Hope you will join me on the mat!