Enter The Solstice

This week has been extremely difficult for me. A friend of mine had posted this on Facebook and as I read it, it was exactly what has been happening to me. As we approach the winter solstice portal, cancerian full moon, & closure to a challenging (yet transformative) 2020, you might be feeling extra moody, sensitive, emotional intensity, angry, frustrated, grief, sadness, extra triggered, annoyed, on edge, upset, & experiencing sleeping issues, digestive problems, etc...

This is the first time (in about a year) I’ve actually gotten sick. I also find it kind of crazy that we are still having discussions about social distancing and mask wearing. While I miss people, I want to be part of the solution not the problem. Unfortunately I have had difficult conversations with people explaining my values and how I want to live. As I sit with those words afterwards, some of those past projections seem to be creeping in again. Maybe not in full force as they were before, but just enough to effect my voice. Not feeling as if I’m worthy, not being heard. Sick and tired. 

What I’m discovering is that these emotions & experiences are passing energies in motion rising to the surface to be felt, honored, & healed. 

With transition into 2021 I’m really looking to leave these feels behind. As I write this, I once again return to my loving kindness meditation. 

Let’s enter into 2021 with love and compassion together even if it’s at a distance. I am ready.