
⁣wisdom is accepting that there

are things you cannot force:

people change when they are ready

creativity moves at its own rhythm

healing does not have a time limit

love blooms when things align - Yung Pueblo 

I am probably one of the most stubborn and impatient but determined people on the face of  the planet. When I really want some I head after it, sometimes trying to force an outcome that I want, then when it doesn’t work out I have a brief disappointment then move on. It took a lot of time and energy to distance myself from that cycle, and some days I’m not so sure I’ve completely shaken loose.

What it really comes down to is having the self awareness to recognize it’s not a great pattern to maintain and then eventually letting go. For instance there was a time I had a lot of resentment towards someone I worked for that at the end of day ran a business poorly enough that she wasn’t able to pay the staff for time worked and wasn’t honest with not having the funds to begin with. I was not only confused on how someone could act that way, but angry that they seemed like they got away with it. It took quite some months to let it go and heal from that. Once I was able to remove the burden I was back in the flow and felt creativity begin to move as well being able to love myself again. That’s really what it comes down to…having the self awareness to let go of the things that no longer serve us so we are free to love again.

Without these experiences I probably would have been able to change my thought patterns and get out of this mess. I’m going to end with this, I’m so blessed to have been part of the human experience.