In my heart i trust

Over the last several months we really have had let someone else handle our health and well-being. Having health departments make the decisions on what is safe and what isn’t. 

During that time we all had decisions to make- mine seem so minuscule compared to those of the world, but I had to put my faith and trust into the universe that things were going to be ok. 

I spent a few weeks really feeling a lot of pain in my heart for the death of my beloved cat. At the time, I really didn’t think about trust, but it was. Did I trust my own heart enough to put itself back together? It was a risk I took. 

Out of that whole situation, I found comfort and trust in my practice. Wether it was Yoga Nidra that helped really open up to the pain or the completion and graduation I worked so hard for that brought joy. 

Whatever it was, I trusted the process and allowed to create the joyful heart that is here today.

Be well-