Love, Kindness and Other Stuff

In the middle of March in 2019 I had started teaching classes at a studio near my home. The class was slow flow and meditation. At the time in my own practice, I was really utilizing the power of meditation to ground and work through things. Like anything it takes practice, and over time my practice has evolved. 

While I had heard of loving kindness meditation- “Metta”, and practiced on occasion, I never knew what an important place this would have in my life. Little did I know, this loving kindness practice would guide me through and create a space of healing. 

When we were forced into lockdown my spirit was crushed, I was depressed and felt lost. During this short dark time, I became re-acquainted with an old friend. I took myself back into the practice that allowed me to sit with the discomfort, observe it and find grace.  A friend had reminded me that practicing loving kindness will help heal from within. We have to start with ourselves to really truly to be able to offer and share with others. 

Each day I continue this practice. Each day I feel the love and kindness flow through my body and out into the universe. Man, this practice is a lifesaver. I don’t think I would be the same person without it. 💜🙏🏼

If you need me to help you get started. Check out my meditation offerings and connect with me. Be well XOXO