Welcome Inner Critic

I am not fully healed

I am not fully wise

I am still on my way

What matters is that 

I am moving forward - Yung Pueblo

A few weeks ago, I interviewed someone for the podcast that I have with My Vinyasa Practice. We began discussion around a topic that I really still am working on. I mean I always say “I’m a work in progress” and that’s the truth! The topic was directly related to those voices in my head - the inner critic. I always play out scenarios in my mind, questioning am I really good enough? 

After that interview I began to realize that the inner critic may never go away. As I have been practicing the power of breath, and meditation as of recently, I don’t know if I really ever want it to go away and I don’t think it ever really will. The idea is that learning to accept and live with it is really the way to go. 

The inner critic is meant to be my constant companion, always challenging me to grow and move along the path. The idea is though to observe and stay present, accept what is and build upon it. Let it guide me to something higher and stronger, but just letting me pause and take a few breaths along the way.

While the episode is out in a couple weeks, I encourage you to not necessarily write off that inner critic, but invite them in.