Tetanus,Flu and Bloodwork, oh my

As this week draws to a close, I look back and see that I accomplished quite a bit. Not just this past week, but really in the last year.

This time last year I was just discovering some new things with my body. Blood tests, an ultrasound and a biopsy. This all lead to a diagnosis of Hashimoto’s. It looks so different for different people. I had a hyperactive thyroid with the antibodies present in my body. This required a whole new regimen of self care.

I shifted my focus on gut health, and I promised myself I would slow down. Well the pandemic kind of helped with that, so give credit where credit is due. 

Yesterday I had a lot of blood work done. I haven’t received the results as of yet, but whatever they are I’m planning to just accept it as is, know that I did my best this time around, and just continue to take care of myself. That’s my way of practicing ahimsa.