Hey Alexa lets Get Real

Over this past week I received an email in my inbox from the author Mike Robbins. I discovered Mike a few years ago and I remember really being inspired by his book “Be yourself because everyone else is taken”... a book about transforming your life using the power of authenticity. Anyone that knows my practices and core values knows authenticity has always been one that has stuck around for the long haul.

The email I received was a link to his recent podcast episode about the truth setting us free. As he states, “When we’re struggling, one of the hardest but most important things we can do is tell the truth about our experience”. 

While the coronavirus has ripped through the entire globe, shutting down everything, people out of work, and people losing their lives to this really horrible virus, I’m not going to lie, my first experiences a year ago were soul crushing, it was like walking around in the dark without an inch of light to help you find a way out. I was depressed, angry, grief stricken and riddled with anxiety, and not just about toilet paper. Then you have a bunch of other people acting like nothing was going on really going on, claiming it’s all fake. All of this is not OK!  Really that statement has a lot of power behind it and is the most awesome part of this. When we tell the truth about what is going on it provides liberation and invites others to be liberated. It’s about really being real and authentic about our own experiences. I did finally crawl out of that pit of despair, and oh my goodness, I had such amazing growth. Growth that I am truly grateful for. Growth that sometimes hurt, and felt uncomfortable. 

The Universe is always listening into my thoughts and conversations (I think Alexa might also be involved). There was the podcast episode that I was meant for me to hear sitting in my email inbox. That episode to remind me of what our collective mission is this week and moving forward. This is the role of a Lightworker isn’t it? If you haven’t yet, time to really step fully into your authentic self and trust the path we are on. We are all weathering the same storm, we might just be in different boats living different authentic experiences.