
Episode 4 - Nikki Lanigan- ‘Ahimsa’

I had the pleasure of meeting Nikki during my 200 HR Yoga Teacher training back in 2017. Funny story (at least I think its funny)…our class was so large we ended up being in the same group to teach a class at the conclusion of our training. At the time, my practice was so different- powerful and HOT! One thing I remember from that training was that we purposely (or maybe on accident) decided to not put on child’s pose in the entire class because, we just wanted to kick everyones butt!

Nikki’s practice from that point has been a constant. She current teaches a Yoga Barre which includes a little HIIT, Yoga and Barre and it definitely kicks your butt. Nikki has ventured into other areas of teaching such as Yoga Psychology, use of essential oils and she has also been a vegan for most of her life.

In the last couple months Nikki also has launched her own Podcast - Fit, Fun, and Frazzled where she talks about health, wellness, fitness, yoga, business and life. You can listen to on your favorite podcast platform here! Now you probably see why we are friends! I’ll be her guest in a few weeks, so be on the lookout for that.

If you’re interested in checking out the yoga psychology course Nikki mentioned in the podcast, here is the link for that:

To get in touch with Nikki and take advantage of all her offerings check out her socials

FACEBOOK: Nikki’s Yoga and Wellness



YOUTUBE: Nikki’s Yoga and Wellness YouTube

Nikki also has some YouTube offerings this month and possibly beyond October- working on a 90 day challenge, so check out her YouTube channel for that.

If you are in the Cleveland, OH area she has a couple weekly offerings

Yoga at Walker Road Park - Sundays at 10am (weather permitting- Check her Facebook page for more info)

Yoga Barre at Honor Yoga Westlake - Thursdays at 8:45am