
Episode 9 - Jaime Mayo - ‘Liberating Emotions’

A couple years ago (beginning of 2018) a friend of mine had suggested that I contact her friend who happened to own a yoga studio that was possibly needing teachers. Enter Jaime - while I felt we made a really great connection and she was also a great boss, she really had a lot stuff going on that I was totally unaware of. Today we talk about her journey with reiki, yoga, moving to Colorado and her current spiritual path back to Christianity.

After moving to Colorado and coming to terms with some health issues, Jaime really started to dig into some questions surrounding her own spirituality. Her spiritual mentor, had suddenly gone through a huge shift towards Jesus and Christianity, which kind of left Jaime with some anger and resentment. She also mentions another spiritual guide, Christian Padrón that made the shift that she shared with us. She started to question her new age path, like where does reiki come from? Who are these spirit guides? Can I really trust them? She started to seek professional therapy to process and to be able to truly go through those emotions and let them go. At the end of the day, it felt like coming home to turn her life back over to Jesus but doing it on her own terms this time. No church, just strictly researching what Christianity is in its purest form and what the Bible really has to say (and really she admits it had been years that she had opened it). All of this was because she had emotional trauma that she was trying to heal and after 6-7 years, Jaime feels as if she is finally getting there. She is finally being able to sit with her heart felt desire and be at peace.

So shifting gears, many of us during COVID seemed to switch directions, create and become inspired. Jaime also owns her very own candle company that kind of started as a side project about 10 years ago. Her quarantine this year, has allowed her to revisit that little side hustle. I think everyone is tired of buying candles that don’t smell when you burn them or not wanting to pay an arm and a leg for Yankee Candles. She originally made them for myself then decided to sell after several people were very interested in them. Arcadia means "any place real or imaginary that offers peace and simplicity" hence Arcadia Candles, Find Your Paradise.

HUGE THANK YOU to Jaime, for being so transparent on your journey. xoxo

To get in touch with Jaime and take advantage of all her offerings check out her socials.