
Episode 5 - Christine Lang - ‘Satya’

Way back in 2019, around this time of year, I met Christine at a coffee shop and we were talking yoga. We both spent October - March working at Bend Yoga in Brecksville.

With the shutdown of our little studio space and really everything else, we have been forced out of our boxes. Christine has years of experience in the restaurant biz and loves food. Due to some recent blood tests, she decided to go vegan and share her true food journey and her passion for wellness in her new blog and business Body Soul and Tofu!

Christine lives her life by the NoJAR method - non-judgement, non-attachment, and non-resistance. In a quote by Eckhart Tolle I think sums up what she is going through, and maybe we should all go through. “The story of the Zen Master whose only response was always "Is that so?" shows the good that comes through inner nonresistance to events, that is to say, being at one with what happens. The story of the man whose comment was invariably a laconic "Maybe" illustrates the wisdom of non-judgment, and the story of the ring points to the fact of impermanence which, when recognized, leads to non-attachment. Nonresistance, non-judgement, and non-attachment are the three aspects of true freedom and enlightened living.”

Christine will have a course working with the ‘NoJAR’ method coming up sometime in January, as well as some other products. Sign up for her blog to get details of that at a later date.

To get in touch with Christine and take advantage of all her offerings check out her socials