Empowered, Cleansed and Strong

A few days ago I attended a sound bath with a couple friends. I actually hadn't participated in an event like this in a while, especially with this many people. Being on 11/11, it’s a highly sensitive time for empaths. Its also the perfect time to cultivate your intentions and manifest your dreams. Little did I know how I would be effected and what would come up.

When working with spirit and high frequencies and vibrations I tend to get lighter. In this experience it was the opposite. I had so much judgement, irritation, and almost anger about all that was going on. I felt at times my heart racing and almost pounding out of my chest as the energy rushed in through my crown almost as if it was cleaning house of all the energies  that no longer were serving me. I was almost in a panic state, and only my breath could really save me as I tried my hardest to calm myself with deep long exhales.  Just like that the ending provided sweet release with tears and the sensation of chilliness letting go.

I was thinking about this experience the last couple days. At first I was really resentful of it, but the more I re-watched it in my mind it was something that need to happen. I've been purging clothing from my closet, but not from my heart. To give myself a fighting chance at true peace and light I needed to forcefully evict and do some house cleaning of the heart. While I'm still working through this, I do still see a shining light.