Laura Bender Yoga & Wellness

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Bum Knee

All this week I've been inviting my students to find stability, ground and connect. We've spent time in savasana, to warrior II and in some classes the grounding practice of meditation and yoga nidra. All the time I've been here, I've been feeling out of wack. At some point I injured myself running. Really what caused it, not entirely sure, but I know it was a few different things - overrunning or overuse. I was so caught up with making sure I got all my training in, I felt guilty a couple days because of whatever so I ran some extra miles. The second thing that comes to mind is when I fell in August right on my knees, the knee was a little bruised. So what was the lesson here? STILLNESS.

Every time I would teach a class this week, or even try and sit cross legged I was met with discomfort in my knee. Even something like walking effected me. It was a huge wake up call. If I don't take the time to really be still, how do you expect to heal? This goes physically as well as mentally. Huge message from spirit this week is to slow down. I'm implementing some changes…some may find this hard to believe, but those close to me know about the negative self talk we hear. Mine is centralized around my body, I want to feel good and look good (especially with a birthday coming up), but at what cost? I over exercise and starve my body but it still leaves me with the feeling of unworthiness, guilt and failure. We are only given this vessel for a short time, so how we treat ourselves now is going to determine the next life we are given.

I'm sure this message comes up for many of us. I know this isn't the first time. It was few short weeks ago, that I fell 2 times, got poison ivy on my feet, and really badly bruised my small toe very badly. Hello Laura! WTF are you doing?!?!!?

Trust in your messages, please. Give yourself some grace. If spirit tells you to be still, do it.